Enable International

We have a masterplan to disrupt the giving industry. We recognise that there are lots of small charities doing great things with small funds - funds so small, they can't employ anyone to look for more. This is where Enable International comes in. We are a registered CIO (1181678) and our mission is to design an app that allows donors to connect with projects they are passionate about. Our three underpinning values are transparency, measurable impact, and connectivity and choice. For the donor, they are promised that: Every cause on the Enable platform will be vetted to ensure that they are operating with integrity and are highly accountable The highest transparency will be on offer. From the smallest spending on the Enable budget to the largest donation to a cause. Both Enable and the cause will be transparent about where donations go and what they will be used for Every cause will report back on the donation to show the impact the donation has had They will have fun whilst giving. The platform will involve gamification of the giving process including badges, avatars, a "giving world" and pleasing aesthetics. For the cause, they are promised that: We will talk care of the donor journey, freeing up their time and money to focus on doing the work that they are great at If this is something that piques your interest, please get in touch.

Strategy Needed

Nov 30, 2019

Enable International has big ideas, and we are working towards accomplishing these. However, as we are still in the early stages, any guidance on how best to bring this project to life would be incredibly valuable. In particular, as our service is app-based, information or a strategy on how to reach our target audience once the app is made would be excellent.


Enable International

Skills Required

  • Marketing
  • Strategic Marketing
  • Business Development
  • Networking
  • Concept Development
  • Customer Insight

Posted on Aug 13, 2019


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