Our mission is to eliminate food waste while alleviating hunger and promoting a sustainable future. We envision a world where surplus fresh food is shared to benefit everyone, irrespective of their financial status.
The 'Give to Live Foodshare' App lets households give away unused fresh food, in local communities addressing both social & environmental issues.
Social: Cost of living crisis is a National problem. In 2021/22 there were 4.7M people, (7%) UK population, in
food poverty, inc. 12% of kids. The Food Foundation's tracking of food insecurity levels found that 18.1% of
households in London were food insecure in Sept '22. Many families can't afford fresh food that is often
more expensive than processed food. While those who can often overbuy letting it goes to waste ending in
App enables: Giving back unused fresh food to the community where it can be re-distributed (free) to those
who will use it.
Environment: Food waste coming from households amounts to a staggering 1/3 of all food waste in the UK.
WRAP’s latest research shows that food waste costs a four-person household in the UK around £1,000 per
year in food bought, but not eaten. Of the 6.4 million tonnes of food and drink thrown away at home
during 2021, 4.7 million tonnes could have been eaten.
App enables: By re-distributing unused food households are helping the environment by reducing Food
waste to landfill.
The App will have a positive impact on people’s quality of life and the environment.
Ambition: to create a new distribution channel to tackle both the cost of living crisis and food waste. Create
a movement for consumers to understand more about how they make use of all their food and how with
small changes they can make a huge difference to another family’s life within their community and the
impact that they have on the environment by saving food waste.
The 'Give to Live Foodshare' App could have a huge impact on people (directly impacting their lives & health), and a long-term impact on the planet.