IPA Best of Health Awards

Posted on Mar 16, 2016

IPA Best of Health Awards News Post Image


We had the pleasure of working with the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) on their inaugural Pip Award for their Best of Health Awards in 2015. This was an opportunity for young marketers working in the health marketing sector to gain recognition for their talent while developing marketing campaign ideas to help the Angelus Foundation raise awareness about the dangers of “legal highs”.

The Best of Health Awards showcase the world’s most creative healthcare marketing campaigns and they've been running for 20 years. This year’s awards ceremony took place at Café de Paris in central London. It was a dazzling show with a cabaret theme and 90 awards presented, including the prestigious Best of Show Golden Apples.

Young marketers from Lim win IPA Pip Award

The Angelus Foundation set out a brief for the Pip Award asking for creative marketing solutions “to raise awareness of the dangers of “legal highs” and help guide young people to better information on what they might be considering taking”.  There were several excellent entries and a team of four young people from Lime were awarded the Pip for their outstanding contribution titled “The Trojan High”.

The team from Lime were so inspired by their research into the Angelus Foundation that they have continued to work with the charity since the awards celebration and are helping the Angelus team to implement their creative ideas.

The IPA Best of Health Awards will be partnering with another healthcare related charity for their 2016 Pip Award, so if you are interested in participating please email us at anna@pimpmycause.org. 

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