Marketing Volunteers Support London Renters Rights

Posted on Jul 18, 2013

Marketing Volunteers Support London Renters Rights News Post Image


The established charity Brent Private Tenants' Rights Group has rebranded itself as Advice4Renters to offer new services, gain new income sources and create a greater impact for their beneficiaries.

Advice4Renters website created by pro bono marketer

Above is Advice4Renters' new website created by Bek Cruddace.

We caught up with their executive director, Jacky Peacock, to learn more about how Pimp My Cause volunteers have transformed their fortunes:

Jacky Peacock: We are a charity for private tenants that was established in the 1980's. Despite the changing world around us, our image (and a tortuously long name) was stuck in the 20th century, until we found Pimp My Cause.

What an amazing array of help on offer - like a Pandora's Box. After posting our needs we had a number of enquiries and we gained support from Jermaine Ranger. He came to meet us to discuss our needs in depth and then drafted a marketing strategy for us which acted as a starting point for us to develop our own initiatives. Jermaine continues to provide ideas to meet our needs and he has even started to attend our Renters Campaign meetings. (Our next project is a video about our campaign.)

With our new direction a new name was called for and once we had several good suggestions a vote among staff, trustees and volunteers produced our new name, Advice4Renters.

Our next move was to find someone to build us a new website. We had confidence in Bek Cruddace from the start. She sent us a detailed questionnaire so that she could fully understand not only what we wanted to put on the site, but our style and what makes us tick. We worked in close contact as the site was developed and we are absolutely delighted with the result.

Then Pimp My Cause connected us with Bruce Martin. He has vast commercial experience using social networking for marketing and he offered to help to raise our profile. Since Bruce came on board we have been going from strength to strength. At the moment Bruce is actually doing the promotion directly, but in due course he will start coaching us so that we can keep up the momentum that he is creating.

What a transformation, and all triggered by the wonderful Pimp My Cause website.

We still have a lot to learn but we feel that in the last few months we have fast forwarded the organisation by decades. Keep up the good work Pimp My Cause!

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