Pimp My Cause at the RSA

Posted on Nov 14, 2011

Pimp My Cause at the RSA News Post Image


The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts played host to a media140 event on September 27th, focusing on the growing trend of ‘Social Business’.

The ‘Business of Social Business’ was the second media140 event to be hosted in the salubrious Durham street auditorium. A theatre that has been built on the last remaining stretch of 18th-century cobbled roadway, which was part of a tunnel beneath the House leading down to the Thames. Speakers included Ann Holman, Andrew Grill, Paul Skinner, and Warren Buckley (Managing Director of Customer Service at BT). 

Paul Skinner, Platforms for participation and the power of networks - 27th Sept (mp3)

Paul told the Pimp My Cause story so far and shared insights about platforms for participation and the power of networks.


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