Showcasing Impact through Film

Posted on Feb 07, 2014

Showcasing Impact through Film News Post Image


“Can you help us capture our impact on video?” This is the question Angela Cairns, Chief Executive of Community Network, posted on Pimp My Cause.

Community Network is a small national charity working to combat social isolation and loneliness through telephone friendship and support groups. Like many of our causes, they focus their limited resources tightly on programme delivery, meaning that commissioning a simple film to showcase their impact to potential supporters could easily remain beyond their grasp.

David Burns, an experienced film editor, came to Angela’s rescue. He offered to help Angela with her video project and once he understood their needs he recruited a colleague, Saima Ferdows, to help film the project as well.

David joined Pimp My Cause to support good causes while building up his own film portfolio at the same time and he felt the Community Network project was a perfect opportunity to get involved.

David, Saima and Angela spent a day filming some of the elderly people who are benefitting from Community Network’s Telephone Community groups. David then edited the film and provided Community Network with exactly what they had been asking for, a film to shares the impacts of their work. The video gives you a glimpse into the lives of their beneficiaries and the difference the Community Network is making to give them a group of friends to talk to and share their lives with.

Community Network’s Telephone Communities give people the chance to socialise, share experiences and support each other. Because all of the conversations take place on the phone, it is easy people anyone to get involved even if they have mobility problems or disabilities. The Telephone Communities are organised by a Social Inclusion Team, who prioritise improving the health and well-being of older adults, carers and disabled people.

Their new video will be highlighted on their website, will be shared on social media and through their newsletter. Community Network is excited to be able to share this video when presenting their work to funders and other potential supporters.

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