Kane Kare Animal Sanctuary

kane kare animal sanctuary Profile Image

Ashley Kane




We rescue and rehabilitate animals in need. We also garden and donate to food banks and we'd like to aquire land to raise live stock to donate to food banks. We also would like to aquire solar and wind pannels to help power the community.


Animal Welfare

Additional Information

Kane Kare Animal Sanctuary is in desperate need of a web page.

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Nov 20, 2014

Please help us with a brief for developing a new brand


People In Aid and a Swiss-based quality standard organisation, with whom we have worked for some years, are planning to merge our assets and experience into a new organisation. This organisation will need a new brand. At this stage we are looking for a branding expert, preferably one who has worked on mergers, who can draw up a realistic brief and timetable for everything we need to consider from now until we are launched. Further information on how we actually then best do it would also be welcomed. The whole humanitarian sector will be looking at us, so its important for us to get both the process, and the end-result, right. Thanks very much for considering working with us on this!

Skills Required

  • Branding

Posted on Nov 03, 2014

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