Zero Centre Youth

Zero Centre Youth Profile Image

Morag Reid

Centre Manager


To support children and young people to overcvome their experiences of domestic violence and avoid become the next generation of victims and perpetrators, breaking the cycle of violence. To empower young people to access information and support directly via a user friendly website section.


Children and Youth

Additional Information

Zero Centre is a dedicated domestic abuse support service covering the whole of Wirral. As part of our aim to support victims and prevent the generational cycle of domestic violence and abuse, we run specialist programmes for children & young people who have witnessed or experienced domestic violence. On the programmes young people learn to talk safely about their experiences, manage difficult feelings and build lives that are free form the abusive patterns in their families. We know that experiencing domestic abuse as a child strongly links to becoming future victims or perpetrators, and plays a key role in children running away from home and becoming substance misusers and offenders in later life. Currently young people are referred into our Leapfrog programme (for 5 -10 year olds) and Youth (11 -15 year olds) by professionals or becuase we work with their mothers and identify that the children have emotional or other issues. This means many children & young people who go unnoticed by professionals fail to get any support. The website as it is is aimed at adults/professionals and we are very aware that with teenage domestic abuse on the rise, and many young victims missing out on support because they don't know there's a service for them, we need to adapt it to make it young person friendly. We want a space on the site tailored to young people's needs and interests with the aim to offer online advice and information, and in the long run to enable more young people to self refer for support & access help. We have a small group of peer mentors who want to get involved in designing their own part of our site, but we lack the technical expertise to do it oursleves, and would greatly appreciate marketing and design support from a professional.

Help Wanted Ads

May 18, 2015

CALL OUT- Campaign Team Volunteers Needed 4 Save Brixton Arches


Our local independant traders based at Brixton Arches in London are under threat! They are soon to be evicted by Network Rail and Brixton's community are fighting back!!We are looking for volunteers to join the Save Brixton Arches Campaign. All skill sets are welcome and we feel everyone has something to offer us drive the campaign forward. Please contact Sara on by 18/05/15 & share within your groups! 

Skills Required

  • Marketing

Posted on May 09, 2015

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