Twistfizz C.I.C.

TwistFizz C.I.C. Profile Image

Lyndall Newton-Early



Our tennis focused social enterprise manages a parks tennis facility in the heart of Eltham, Greenwich on behalf of the local Authority. We exist to encourage more people in the local community to learn and play tennis for health and well-being. Our aim is to ensure that tennis remains accessible and affordable for everyone in the local community. You don't need a membership to play, instead households can purchase an annual pass for £52 per annum, this enables a family / flat mates the ability to book up to 7 hours of tennis per week. Children can play for free at any time and the courts are never locked, so we operate an honesty system. This also ensures there is no barriers to getting on court and playing! Adults and juniors can get involved in our tennis programme which is focused on those new to the game or returning to the sport. We offer paid for, subsidised and free sessions each week at the park. We also know that not everyone can come to the park and play so with the help of community partners we deliver tennis to our beneficiaries which include groups most susceptible to inactivity including, women and girls, young people 11+, those with low income.



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