For Baby's Sake

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Dorien Scheets



We are looking to get support from an experienced marketing professional with experience in Google Ads and SEO to help us take advantage of Google Ad Grants. In particular, we'd like support building our Festive Season/Christmas campaign to increase awareness & bring in donations to support our work.


Family Support

Additional Information

One in five children in the UK experience domestic abuse. This can have a profound impact on the rest of their lives. Babies are particularly affected. Exposure to domestic abuse in the first 1001 days of life (from conception until age two), can physically alter a baby’s brain chemistry and affect cognitive, emotional and physical development. Left unresolved, trauma in infancy can lead to issues in later life that affect the whole of society. These include: an increased likelihood of mental health issues, struggling at school, substance misuse, criminal behaviour and experiencing domestic abuse or being abusive later life. The risks associated with domestic abuse can be reduced by protective factors in children’s lives, especially by secure relationships with parents or caregivers during infancy. That's where we come in. The For Baby's Sake Trust is an award-winning children's charity. Our innovative approach to reducing the harm caused by domestic abuse is filling gaps in traditional abuse responses and revolutionising how to tackle the root causes of domestic abuse and cycles of abusive relationship. We empower parents to break cycles of abuse, to transform the life-chances of whole families and move forward in positive change, starting with the baby. The baby is at the heart of everything we do.

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Help Wanted Ads

Nov 30, 2023

SEO & Google Ads Job


We are looking for an expert in SEO & ideally Google Ads to help us build an effective Festive Season/Christmas campaign. This campaign has two functions: 1) to raise awareness; 2) to garner donations to support our work. Using Google Ad Grants, we need support to build the campaign and develop audience targeting strategy.

Skills Required

  • Marketing
  • Strategic Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Seo

Posted on Nov 06, 2023

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