The Fertility Alliance

The Fertility Alliance Profile Image

Gwenda Burns

Chief Executive


3.5 million people in the UK currently experience Fertility problems. The Fertility Alliance is a newly formed national charity with a Scottish Branch focused on providing evidence-based, accurate fertility information, education and support, taking a life course approach. We support and educate everyone who wants to know more about their fertility delivering a broad range of programmes and activities in education, wellbeing support, digital innovation, knowledge and guidance about all aspects of fertility. We will work with our partners to ensure the public and stakeholders are at the centre of designing services which are fit for purpose. We bring together and champion the expertise of people with lived experience, the third sector, and organisations across fertility and reproductive health to inform policy, practice and service delivery. Together our voice is stronger, and we will use it to promote meaningful change. We aim to: ❖ Improve fertility awareness, education and health through effective partnership engagement. ❖ Ensure fair and equitable access to evidence-based information, to fertility care and treatment ❖ Champion and support wellbeing and self-care ❖ Support research projects which aim to increase knowledge, improve health, wellbeing and treatment options. ❖ Ensure lived experience and stakeholder insights drive and sit at the heart of design, delivery and improvement of support and services. ❖ Offer services where staff and volunteers are trauma-informed Our Objectives: ❖ To provide information, services and support for everyone on a fertility/infertility journey and/or related conditions ❖ To advance the education of the general public and those in the medial or similar professions concerning the effects and treatment of fertility problems and other conditions ❖ In conjunction with our beneficiaries promote/participate in research work into fertility/infertility and related conditions and publish the results of such work Our Values are simple: ❖ We will work in an honest, kind, transparent and accountable manner ❖ We are ambitious, we will continually evolve and change by listening ❖ We collaborate with other organisations ❖ We are inclusive, we recognise and respect the value and diversity of all



Additional Information

Fertility treatment can be a complex pathway, with uncertain outcomes. For those who embark on this journey, it can lead to a range of emotions, which can be extremely challenging, and sadly, people struggling with fertility problems often do so alone. They may not confide in family or friends, as they often feel shame, embarrassment or social stigma associated with not being able to conceive. This often leads to people becoming socially isolated, experiencing negative feelings of fear, denial, anger, frustration, shame, and depression. When you are trying to conceive, you will do anything to improve the chances of having a baby, and this can sometimes leave people vulnerable to misleading claims and misinformation. Those caring for or supporting patients have a duty to ensure they get impartial information and proper support to help them make informed decisions. Fertility treatment can be an all-consuming process, being given the news of a failed fertility cycle can lead to a deterioration in mental health, relationships and overall wellbeing. Many people have feelings of sadness, grief or loss which are normal, and it is vital they can access appropriate support and resources, including counselling. The reality of unsuccessful treatment is heart breaking and can have a far-reaching and devastating impact. Unfortunately, failed treatment is a regular occurrence, and it can signify the end of hopes and dreams and feel like a personal failure. There has never been more information available, but it can be hard to know what is evidence-based when trying to make decisions about treatments. Many patients find the information they get from different sources contradictory, and it is difficult for patients to know who to trust. Over many years we have heard from patients who are left feeling confused and uncertain. Better for Women | RCOG A survey in 2019 for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists found that a majority of women were overwhelmed by the sheer volume of fertility advice on offer, and more than three-quarters were unable to feel sure that information they were receiving was impartial and unbiased. The fertility journey, treatment and outcomes can be traumatic, physically exhausting, financially challenging and often isolating. Emotional support, evidence-based information, a listening ear and wellbeing programmes at an early stage are vital for everyone seeking fertility treatment and accessing fertility services. At The Fertility Alliance, we believe offering evidence-based information and support is essential to empower people to have more control of their own journey and improve health and wellbeing. We recognise and understand diversity in individuals seeking fertility care; this may include same sex couples, single people, men and women seeking fertility preservation, women seeking treatment for medical or social reasons, heterosexual couples, transgender people and those looking to pursue surrogacy arrangements. It is also important to recognise a physical disability and/or learning disability which may impact on an individual’s treatment, journey, understanding and outcomes. In response to patient need recognised within the HFEA strategic aims of ‘improving the emotional experience of care before, during and after treatment or donation.', The Fertility Alliance believes working with and supporting NHS Fertility clinics is essential. We will develop a workshop which will be offered to all clinic staff on the emotional and psychological impact of the fertility journey. We will work collaboratively with our People Panel (lived experience beneficiaries) to embed our user-led support in the current fertility infrastructure of clinics to ensure we maximise our potential impact and support we offer. The reality of being pregnant after many years of fertility treatment and struggles can be overwhelming, a viable pregnancy is the first step in a journey which can change direction at any time. People need continued support with clear and accurate information during pregnancy. It is vital the heightened feelings and worries are recognised as being normal following a fertility journey. For those at the end of their fertility journey, deciding when to stop treatment is incredibly difficult. Information about alternative parenting options is often available in clinics, but it is important that clinics can work with and signpost women and their partners to other resources such as The Fertility Alliance who can offer support with these decisions. Ending a journey can lead to further isolation, loss of identity and purpose for a time. The Fertility Alliance will work closely with BICA to help people to process their treatment experiences, grieve their losses, reflect on and make decisions about alternative parenting options or plans for a childless future. All staff, volunteers and services offered by The Fertility Alliance will be trauma-informed and all materials/literature will be co-produced with our beneficiaries, stakeholders, partners, Advisory Board and Trustees. Sadly, infertility has been ranked as one of the three most stressful things to go through in life, alongside bereavement and divorce. Often people do not feel understood, and The Fertility Alliance would raise awareness to change the way society views fertility challenges and those affected by them. It is clear that many people continue to suffer in silence because of the shame and stigma that surrounds infertility. The faster we breakdown these taboos and normalise fertility, the more awareness people will have.

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Jul 11, 2024

The Fertility Alliance


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Posted on Jul 11, 2024

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