The Philosophy Foundation

Emma Worley


The Philosophy Shop is an innovative, dynamic and unique educational charity whose aim is to bring philosophy to schools and the wider community. We are the only charity in the world that trains philosophy graduates to do philosophy in schools in order to develop children's autonomous learning, higher-order thinking skills, divergent and convergent thinking. We aim to equip young people for life-long learning, giving them critical and creative thinking skills essential for the 21st Century.Philosophy develops the art of learning to learn and encourages more thoughtful and reflective children enabling them to participate in society more independently.  We aim to reach children who are disadvantaged, our main work is in the state sector in inner-city schools.We also work with teachers to support the development of good pedagogic practice, and to make our work more sustainable.The Philosophy Shop aims to reach out to the community by running family and community philosophy groups, philosophy for children in care, and those who are not in education, employment or training.


Education and Skills

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We want to market ourselves to more schools primarily. Both primary and secondary, mainly in London but we also have philosophy teachers based in other areas of the country. We currently work in approximately 20 schools on a regular basis.

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