Floating Doctors

Jolie Labrot Labrot

Development Director


The Floating Doctors Mission is to reduce the present and future burden of disease in the developing world, and to promote improvements in health care delivery worldwide. Our Goals Include: -Providing free acute and preventative health care services -Facilitating community development & capacity initiatives -Reducing child and maternal mortality -Gathering clinical data for program and health landscape surveillance -Improving access to specialist medical care in developing regions -Promoting improvements in health care practice worldwide



Additional Information

Founded in 2009, Floating Doctors began as a small project with the goal of bringing healthcare services to isolated areas. Over the last several years, we have grown into an organization with international recognition that thrives via volunteer engagement, community outreach and education, extensive partnerships with local health organizations and educational systems, and an adaptability that allows us to tailor care to the needs of specific communities. Since 2011, Floating Doctors has delivered medical services to communities made up of the Ngäbe-Bugle indigenous population living in Bocas Del Toro Archipelago. We combine accessible and comprehensive health care services, rigorous scientific research and internationally accredited medical education opportunities to save lives, introduce long term health care solutions and break the cycle of poverty and disease for these communities. Through our volunteer program and training opportunities, Floating Doctors regularly visits over 20 communities spread over 10,000 square miles of jungle and mangrove forests.

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