Melbourne And Sydney, Australia believe in a young person's need to belong. We can change the lives of vulnerable young people.We never judge, we never give up and we never turn away.
Children and Youth
For more than 30 years, Open Family Australia has provided outreach support and services to homeless and at-risk young people aged 12-25 yrs. Over 80% of these young people are in this situation due to family break down or family conflict. This issue goes across all socio-economic groups and may result in homelessness, criminal activity, drug abuse, mental health problems and disengagement from school or employment. Through our expertise and proven methodology we go to where young people are. We look in the hot spots such as railway stations, shopping centres, rooming houses and squats. We engage with young people to link them to services which can help them connect back into a supportive environment and a healthy community. This could include crisis support and services such as housing, health, drug and alcohol programs, family counselling, legal services, re-engagement back into school, and assisting young people to find suitable work.
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