Brighton And Hove'Raising awareness of eating disorders in men so men can seek support'
‘Men Get Eating Disorders Too’ is a charitable organisation that seeks to raise awareness of eating disorders in men so men are able to recognise their symptoms and access support when they need it. We provide essential information through our website ( including definitions, symptoms, the kind of treatments you would expect and links to support available to sufferers. In addition, we provide an online space for male sufferers to share their experiences and offer/receive peer support through our online forum. Another part of our campaign is raising awareness of eating disorders through the use of media and online awareness involving social media and blogs. To further improve the treatment men receive, we deliver training to professionals fields to help them gain a better understanding into male eating disorders and the challenges they face getting help which in turn means they can be better responsive to men’s needs by improving provision and encouraging better professional practice. We regularly attend health fairs and other events to raise the profile of male eating disorders amongst the wider community. More recently we have launched a poster and information booklet to be distributed nationally to increase awareness of our campaign.
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