Grandparents Caring Full Time For Grandchildren Or Denied Contact With Them

Louisa Wearn

England And Wales (Head Office Essex)


The mission of the Grandparents’ Association (GPA) is to improve the lives of children by working with and for all grandparents especially those who: •have lost or are losing contact with their grandchildren  •are caring for their grandchildren on a full time basis•have childcare responsibilities for their grandchildren•are interested in the educational and welfare needs of their grandchildrenOur vision is for:• Grandparents providing full time care for grandchildren to be given equal status to foster parents in finance and support•Grandparents’ support in childcare, emotional and other practical terms to be widely recognised in society and receiving adequate support from government and voluntary sector parenting/family services • The benefits of contact between children and their grandparents to be recognised in law with a minimum right to contact for children (where this represents no risk to the child)


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