Urban Riderz
Our Mission
Our aim is to enable everyone in the community who has the desire to ride, learn about and look after horses the opportunity to do so in an enjoyable, knowledgeable and safe environment, regardless of disability, social or financial status
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Heritage Crafts Association
Our Mission
The Heritage Crafts Association is the advocacy body for traditional heritage crafts. Working in partnership with Government and key agencies, it provides a focus for craftspeople, groups, societies and guilds, as well as individuals who care about the loss of traditional crafts skills, and work…
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Ol Pejeta Conservancy
Our Mission
The Ol Pejeta Conservancy works to conserve wildlife, provide a sanctuary for great apes and to generate income through wildlife tourism and complementary enterprises for re-investment in conservation and community development. Working closely with the Government of Kenya, our conservation acti…
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Our Mission
GamCare is the national organisation providing; treatment, education, support and advice to anyone affected by problem gambling. Our central mission is to promote responsible gambling both in the UK and across the world.
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Our Mission
We are a non-for-profit C.I.C that promotes community cohesion for Deaf people.
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The Larder
Our Mission
The Larder aims to be the catalyst in breaking cycles of unemployment by reducing barriers to sustainable employment. We will do this through the delivery of high quality training and employability services that are led by the learner; inspiring them to have individual aspiration and take on learni…
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United Estates Of Wythenssahwe
Our Mission
To completely revolutionalise Youth Service and Youth Provision on inner city estates. If you want to see a good example of a youth club from the 1970's - just visit any youth club today. Youth Clubs today are nothing more than nice buildings for nice kids - when was the last time a group of nice …
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Challenge Wales
Our Mission
Challenge Wales aims to help young people (aged 12 - 25 years) develop personal and social skills such as team building, communication, leadership, respect for others, discipline and self-esteem through sail training. This is achieved on a 72-ft round-the-world yacht, Challenge Wales.
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Horn Relief
Our Mission
Horn Relief is an African-based international development and humanitarian organization that aims to improve the conditions of those who are living in marginalized areas in the greater Horn of Africa. It strengthens rural livelihoods through environmental training, technology transfer and innovativ…
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Terrence Higgins Trust
Our Mission
THT was one of the first charities to be set up in response to the HIV epidemic and has been at the forefront of the fight against HIV, and improving the nation's sexual health, ever since.
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Thera Trust
Our Mission
Thera supprots adults with a learning disability to live their lives in their local community.
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Our Mission
To give African children the opportunity to access a broader education, whilst empowering them with vital ICT skills. The newly acquired skills will help to increase career and earning potential in later life which in turn will help to lift entire families out of poverty.
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